
Herausgegeben von Reinhard Krüger

Elmarsafy, Ziad (ed.): Philosophies of Classical France / Philosophies au siècle classique en France. NASSCFL North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature, Tempe/Arizona, 2-5 may 2001, vol. V
ISBN 3-89693-714-6 (11/2001)
192 Seiten, Ebr., EUR 28,90

This bilingual interdisciplinary collection brings together essays on the ideas and modes of thought that flourished in France during the seventeenth century. From Descartes to Fénelon and beyond, from the history of science to spiritual philosophy, from metaphysics to the poetics of the novel, few aspects of this crucial period are left unexamined. As they bridge numerous gaps between languages, ideas and epochs, the contributors pave the way for a deeper exploration of the many possibilities created in and by the multiple philosophies of classical France. Through this synthetic framework, the reader is invited to think through the issues involved in addressing the seminal ideas of the seventeenth century from a contemporary point of view.

Contents / Table des matières

1. Ziad Elmarsafy: Bridging: From ”Philosophy” to ”Philosophies”
2. Russell Wahl: Representation and Resemblance: Cartesians and their Critics
3. Jean-Pierre Lafouge: Evolution de la question épistémologique au XVIIème siècle
4. Fabien Chareix: L’héritage de Descartes. La critique du système cartésien par Christian Huygens (1629-1695)
5. Laurence Devillairs: Fénelon et l’invention d’une métaphysique de l’infini
6. Alessandra Montanari: Malebranche entre Cartésianisme et immanentisme
7. Michel Fournier: Poétique des discours et partage des facultés: philosophie et roman au XVIIème siècle
8. John Boitano:  Seventeenth-Century Perspectives on Renaissance Naturalism: Naudé and Pascal
9. Charles Natoli: S’aimer mieux dans un tronc d’arbre: The Provinciales as Heautontimoroumenos
10. Tamás Pavlovits: Montaigne et Pascal: deux apologistes modernes
11. Éric Méchoulan: Au commencement est la répétition: ostinato pascalien